Sunday, November 9, 2014

When PhDs get sexy... or bring sexy back. Or something.

Yes, Halloween is over, but we can get ready for next year! Am I right?!?

Thanks to this Salon article for highlighting some of the best responses. But there are so many more on Amazon's product page such as:
"DIPLOMA INCLUDED?!?! Why the hell did I put myself through ten years of grad school!! Lesson learned."
"Sleeves are too short & have no stripes. Costume does not feature a hood. This is a "sexy BA" at best."
"As a lady PhD student, let me say how much of a relief it is to see them accurately describe what we wear every day. I don't care if it isn't proper PPE, how else will we find husbands if not for our degree in sexy? Bravo to Delicious costumes for supporting women's education in letting us know that we're only as smart as our skirts are short."
When someone next asks where the profession is going, I think the answer is now incredibly clear. Your thoughts?


  1. Oh dear. And I thought that getting a PhD would forever free me of ‘sexy nurse’ costumes and the myriad of fetishes that unfairly stalk the profession. Silly me …

    Best part of this advertisement: “Fit: Runs Small.” Well, OF COURSE, it does …

  2. Ha. I saw this on FB around Halloween. Note that this costume costs $50. A total rip-off for a shred of polyester fabric, but quite a bargain compared to the $800+ that full doctoral regalia would cost you to purchase:
